And about bloody time too!!
Oh, and here's something I picked up from boosy.
The Link thing doesn't seem to want to work though.
Welcome,and if you've been in here in the past few days, apologies for the time I've taken to update. Indeed, I have been away and otherwise busy. I bet I've missed out on so many beautiful girls with no clothes on as well. PISH!! no matter tho. There's always plenty more.
Can't say I've been up to a terrible lot since my last update but I must admit that I do feel mentally and emotionally liberated. I slight change in diet and regular exercise works wonders!!
I was out last night with some friends, more notably boosy who was utterly fucked and kept trying to beat me up on the dance floor, between that and drunken hugging of course. We went to see 9 Black Alps who in my humble opinion were okaaaaaay, worhty of an applause if anything but really nothing special. I also didn't appreciate the fact that the lead singer guy spat on the audience! I mean what's that all about!!?
However, we buggered off to The Crow Bar afterwards and Dougie spewed his load, utter carnage!! poor wee guy. Then we went to The Cathouse which was, despite the fact I hadn't been drinking anything other than Coke and Irn-Bru really fuckin good! I even had my photo taken but think I may have let myself down by not pulling some sort of METALesqe pose. The younger ones seem to expect it these days. Anybody Camera shy here? I'm not, I just know I'm not all that photogenic.
Me and my mate Neil have been up to some pretty weird shit as of late. Bored with the usual drinking and partying we decided to go fart about the country side and check out some scary forests and castle ruins etc. I was a bit edgy about taking my car and seemingly abandoning her on the side of some country road but it was okay. I felt like I was little (Okay I still am to a point) again, we had torches and cameras and shit and got some okay photos of interesting architecutre and seen some pretty amazing things. We headed up towards New Lanark to check out the Cotton Mills etc. I remember going there with my primary school once but this time I went it was so much better since it was all dark and lit up, we even seen the old water wheel this time and sluice gate thing and a whole matter of crazy shit. I was just surprised how accepting most people were of two lads walking around at 11:30pm with torches and cameras. Cos some of it's residential like. we weren't there to cause trouble or anything, just look around and stuff. That was fun though. I'll try and insert some photos.
I was supposed to be getting my son today but he's not too well, so I've been a bit down about that. He had a viral infection thingy and kept puking everything up, it was such a shame. Although he is better he's not quite 100 percent so I'll hopefully get him tomorrow for a while and maybe take him to see the horses!! I dunno how he'll react to those giant beasts but he has been known to be good with ponies. Oh, and can anyone tell me how is best to post photos here? Should I save them to my pics folder and link them (as I generally do) or is there a better way?
Here's my attempt anyway....
And this, I do apologise for poor quality, these photos have been compressed and copied and taken in the dark!
And here's one of myself and Neil. (I think we've both looked better in photos other than this one.
And another, under the archway. (It's a nice archway innit?)

Oh, and here's something I picked up from boosy.
The Link thing doesn't seem to want to work though.
Welcome,and if you've been in here in the past few days, apologies for the time I've taken to update. Indeed, I have been away and otherwise busy. I bet I've missed out on so many beautiful girls with no clothes on as well. PISH!! no matter tho. There's always plenty more.
Can't say I've been up to a terrible lot since my last update but I must admit that I do feel mentally and emotionally liberated. I slight change in diet and regular exercise works wonders!!
I was out last night with some friends, more notably boosy who was utterly fucked and kept trying to beat me up on the dance floor, between that and drunken hugging of course. We went to see 9 Black Alps who in my humble opinion were okaaaaaay, worhty of an applause if anything but really nothing special. I also didn't appreciate the fact that the lead singer guy spat on the audience! I mean what's that all about!!?

Me and my mate Neil have been up to some pretty weird shit as of late. Bored with the usual drinking and partying we decided to go fart about the country side and check out some scary forests and castle ruins etc. I was a bit edgy about taking my car and seemingly abandoning her on the side of some country road but it was okay. I felt like I was little (Okay I still am to a point) again, we had torches and cameras and shit and got some okay photos of interesting architecutre and seen some pretty amazing things. We headed up towards New Lanark to check out the Cotton Mills etc. I remember going there with my primary school once but this time I went it was so much better since it was all dark and lit up, we even seen the old water wheel this time and sluice gate thing and a whole matter of crazy shit. I was just surprised how accepting most people were of two lads walking around at 11:30pm with torches and cameras. Cos some of it's residential like. we weren't there to cause trouble or anything, just look around and stuff. That was fun though. I'll try and insert some photos.
I was supposed to be getting my son today but he's not too well, so I've been a bit down about that. He had a viral infection thingy and kept puking everything up, it was such a shame. Although he is better he's not quite 100 percent so I'll hopefully get him tomorrow for a while and maybe take him to see the horses!! I dunno how he'll react to those giant beasts but he has been known to be good with ponies. Oh, and can anyone tell me how is best to post photos here? Should I save them to my pics folder and link them (as I generally do) or is there a better way?
Here's my attempt anyway....

And this, I do apologise for poor quality, these photos have been compressed and copied and taken in the dark!

And here's one of myself and Neil. (I think we've both looked better in photos other than this one.

And another, under the archway. (It's a nice archway innit?)

thank you sweetie!!!

Thank you for the sweet comment on my new set!