Time to update I think.
Too many girls here these days not enough time!!
I've been down with the flu as of late and haven't really been up to a terrible lot apart from my PS2. I've been off on my usual 4 off from work and am due back tomorrow night but I'm not going back without having partied at least a little! So I'm heading out for a cheap night tonight thanks to my dear old Granny!! (Thank God for Grannies) As I don't get paid till the end of this month I'm getting a wee tap which should keep me out of financial Hell for a while.
My friend Lotje was over the other day, twas great to see her again, she's touring at the moment with a band called "be your own pet" who I would urge any of you reading this to check out! might not be everyones cup of tea but still, enjoyable in a crazy way. And so young!!
I'm listening to DJ Shadow at the moment.
I went out driving with a friend last night, it was good to get out the house after being stuck in it for so long, we had a good chat about everything and you know, it's funny if you just stop and look at things from a different perspective in life. When you have friends who are girls, you don't need girlfriends!! I'm sure some people could agree with me on this one. I seem to get those times when I feel so down and miserable and it's just because I don't have anyone I can share a little intimacy with. But for a Cancerian I'm pretty secure in myself right now. So far so good eh?
Too many girls here these days not enough time!!
I've been down with the flu as of late and haven't really been up to a terrible lot apart from my PS2. I've been off on my usual 4 off from work and am due back tomorrow night but I'm not going back without having partied at least a little! So I'm heading out for a cheap night tonight thanks to my dear old Granny!! (Thank God for Grannies) As I don't get paid till the end of this month I'm getting a wee tap which should keep me out of financial Hell for a while.
My friend Lotje was over the other day, twas great to see her again, she's touring at the moment with a band called "be your own pet" who I would urge any of you reading this to check out! might not be everyones cup of tea but still, enjoyable in a crazy way. And so young!!
I'm listening to DJ Shadow at the moment.
I went out driving with a friend last night, it was good to get out the house after being stuck in it for so long, we had a good chat about everything and you know, it's funny if you just stop and look at things from a different perspective in life. When you have friends who are girls, you don't need girlfriends!! I'm sure some people could agree with me on this one. I seem to get those times when I feel so down and miserable and it's just because I don't have anyone I can share a little intimacy with. But for a Cancerian I'm pretty secure in myself right now. So far so good eh?

I've heard of be your own pet - infact they have a video on MTV2 at the moment. Cool!