I found my cat (one of two) drinking out of the toilet this morning! I couldn't quite believe it so I took a photo. My cat thinks he's a dog!! Is that healthy?
Happy New Year tae yaes aw! Hope you's had a good one. I was at boosy's house cos he threw (he's very strong) a party and we all got drunk and danced, socially like but with no accordion music which made it even better. So, yeah New Year new beginnings and I never even got to start my New Year resolution on account of getting 100 fags (cigarettes) for Christmas but I'm not complaining about the whisky. It is all good!
Got the new Depeche Mode album (finally) and I'm listening to it just now.
The weekend hasn't been up to all that much, I've been out and about but it's getting to the point where I feel that booze just isn't all that much fun anymore and the other people that go are all really young and weird. meh!
Anyway, do you ever get that thing where you go to say something to someone and you suddenly stop and think, "No! hang on, that was in a dream I had last night" funny thing that.
Happy New Year tae yaes aw! Hope you's had a good one. I was at boosy's house cos he threw (he's very strong) a party and we all got drunk and danced, socially like but with no accordion music which made it even better. So, yeah New Year new beginnings and I never even got to start my New Year resolution on account of getting 100 fags (cigarettes) for Christmas but I'm not complaining about the whisky. It is all good!
Got the new Depeche Mode album (finally) and I'm listening to it just now.
The weekend hasn't been up to all that much, I've been out and about but it's getting to the point where I feel that booze just isn't all that much fun anymore and the other people that go are all really young and weird. meh!
Anyway, do you ever get that thing where you go to say something to someone and you suddenly stop and think, "No! hang on, that was in a dream I had last night" funny thing that.
Thanks for the comments!