Working Class Pigs and Arty Bohemians? Feminism? PUNK MUSIC!! MEEYAAAARR!!
So how was everybody's Halloween? Well, of course it's not officially Halloween just yet but who wants to do Halloween on a Monday? I had a great time at boosy's house. He had a party, the drink was flowing and we were all beautiful! Photo's to follow no doubt.
Nightshift has been alright so far, that and a lot of coffee.

Working Class Pigs and Arty Bohemians? Feminism? PUNK MUSIC!! MEEYAAAARR!!
So how was everybody's Halloween? Well, of course it's not officially Halloween just yet but who wants to do Halloween on a Monday? I had a great time at boosy's house. He had a party, the drink was flowing and we were all beautiful! Photo's to follow no doubt.
Nightshift has been alright so far, that and a lot of coffee.
haha aw well thanks! I always thought that picture of me smiling I look like a fucking idiot but thats nice if you like it anyway
Hopefully there will be a new one soon. Im surprised I havnt seen you out in Glasgow yet Im at the pubs and gigs there a lot. hope you have a good weekend and halloween xx