hello people
guess what, now im in the new school next to the strippers, and its going to be sunday of super heroes (I would like to be catwoman meow, I would like to to have a dance of catwoman too).
For my first day I had the oh so fucking great idea of insulting Mexican pseudo intelectuals that are almost always insulting Mexico or Mexicans but I recived a lot of fucking weard insults because almost all my classmates are aspirants to pseudo intelectuals that are almost always insulting Mexico or Mexicans
So my friends are starting to change for they own image, oh thats so fucking predictable people, so im starting to miss so much the fucking asshole I talked abouth a month or two ago (yes the psiko) even if he was the worst egoist sadist I know (I can be a stupid girl too).
Im begining to know them, thats the part when I really want to change of enviroment, in fact I might be moving for the next year.
and people if you want to piss your pants go here:

guess what, now im in the new school next to the strippers, and its going to be sunday of super heroes (I would like to be catwoman meow, I would like to to have a dance of catwoman too).
For my first day I had the oh so fucking great idea of insulting Mexican pseudo intelectuals that are almost always insulting Mexico or Mexicans but I recived a lot of fucking weard insults because almost all my classmates are aspirants to pseudo intelectuals that are almost always insulting Mexico or Mexicans

So my friends are starting to change for they own image, oh thats so fucking predictable people, so im starting to miss so much the fucking asshole I talked abouth a month or two ago (yes the psiko) even if he was the worst egoist sadist I know (I can be a stupid girl too).
Im begining to know them, thats the part when I really want to change of enviroment, in fact I might be moving for the next year.

and people if you want to piss your pants go here:

andas entonces haciendo tambin un docu?
que bien!
keep in touch!
(todo fan de las SG es digno de ser llamado "una gran persona")