Well I discovered that Im an Alien even in the fucking art shool
, people use to see me weard because even my fucking body complexion isnt normal for them
I have iscovered that Im a bad alcoholic, a perfect drug adict, and a beautifull example of an anorexical and ninfomaniac hipocritaly telling that Is good for the healt.
I fucking love the music because it cant love me in return and I dont want people needing things of me right now.
I want to send another set to SG I even have a idea for a history but I just cant right now

I have iscovered that Im a bad alcoholic, a perfect drug adict, and a beautifull example of an anorexical and ninfomaniac hipocritaly telling that Is good for the healt.
I fucking love the music because it cant love me in return and I dont want people needing things of me right now.
I want to send another set to SG I even have a idea for a history but I just cant right now

Fuck society - they have to deal with YOU not with how they wish or expect you to be. You are strong and creative and you can do what you want. Plus, you look kinda cute with your friends.

you need to do a set! send it to me first!! i bet i will love it!!