So I got a second job, but Im not keeping it... I really dont care for the people and Im so exhausted it hurts... it's really not worth all the stress it's causing me...
On a good note, my mom is currently on a plane to come and see me!! I haven't seen her in 3 months and I miss her soooo much!!
Talking to...
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On a good note, my mom is currently on a plane to come and see me!! I haven't seen her in 3 months and I miss her soooo much!!
Talking to...
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78%... mkay well that stinks...
thats alright... Im working on setting up a couple new shoots. <3
I really want this more than anything. I love SG.
thats alright... Im working on setting up a couple new shoots. <3
I really want this more than anything. I love SG.
I could not find the thread for critiques so I am posting here, I hope that is OK.
First off I think the set was was really cute and you looked adorable. (Maybe biased bc I love gingers!) I liked that there were different angles and that you used the props like the chair and the knife and had fun. It was also awesome that your shoes were the same color wood as the chair, did you plan that??
One thing I noticed though is some shots were I felt like I wanted the focus to be on your face more and it wasn't... Boobs are great but w/some much of the shot filled w/stuff besides the boobs it didn't seem like it should be the focus, or if it was it should have been cropped more to be nearly only boobs in the frame.
First off I think the set was was really cute and you looked adorable. (Maybe biased bc I love gingers!) I liked that there were different angles and that you used the props like the chair and the knife and had fun. It was also awesome that your shoes were the same color wood as the chair, did you plan that??
One thing I noticed though is some shots were I felt like I wanted the focus to be on your face more and it wasn't... Boobs are great but w/some much of the shot filled w/stuff besides the boobs it didn't seem like it should be the focus, or if it was it should have been cropped more to be nearly only boobs in the frame.
Some shots it was nice where it focused on like the cake or you cutting w/the knife or w/e but in some it just seemed like the focus wasn't planned on anywhere specific.
I think this set was a good but w/the mixed focus I am not sure it will go live. But who knows.. good luck miss, I look forward to seeing your next work! <3DC
Keep at it! If you're set isn't accepted now, I'm sure you're really close

Hours were cut today... I was supposed to make time and a half (work for 8hrs but get paid for 12)... but we over scheduled and I didn't have to go in... ugh... I really could have used that money.
Anyways... I'm now selling two of my dolls... They don't fit in and there are other dolls I want more.
Anyways... I'm now selling two of my dolls... They don't fit in and there are other dolls I want more.
Which dolls are you selling?
You're such a gorgeous redhead... I'll be happy to see you go pink! <3DC
awww they always look so sad
Im looking for a photographer... and Im having no luck.
I need someone who has shot for SG before... Im sick of photographers who have no idea what they're doing.
I've got lots of people who want to try but Im not horribly impressed by their work.
Why can't awesome people want to photograph me?
I need someone who has shot for SG before... Im sick of photographers who have no idea what they're doing.
I've got lots of people who want to try but Im not horribly impressed by their work.
Why can't awesome people want to photograph me?
awww I really hope you find a wonderful photographer! You are so pretty!
I took the Lush job!! OMG. I love this place. I mean I loved it before, but now Im required to learn all the products and thats even better!!
I want a joooooooooooob ahahaha
So a call back at Lush today at 2 and an interview with the DM for Steve Madden at 4.
Its gonna be a good day. <3
Also, Im looking for a photographer to do a new set!! Anyone in Chicago? I don't have a car, so it'll have to be accessible by public trans...
Its gonna be a good day. <3
Also, Im looking for a photographer to do a new set!! Anyone in Chicago? I don't have a car, so it'll have to be accessible by public trans...
Good luck!
Good luck
Hope you get what you want!

So the two interviews today went AMAZINGLY!!
I have a second interview with the manager at Lush... part-time only blah... but its still good to go.
and I have a phone interview with the District Manager at Steve Madden for a managerial position!!! yeah!!
I also have an interview for managerial positions at Hollister and Teavana! I am on a role!!
Sushi tonight! Happy...
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I have a second interview with the manager at Lush... part-time only blah... but its still good to go.
and I have a phone interview with the District Manager at Steve Madden for a managerial position!!! yeah!!
I also have an interview for managerial positions at Hollister and Teavana! I am on a role!!
Sushi tonight! Happy...
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Happy birthday.
Happppppyyyyyyy Birrrrtttthhhhhdddaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy!!!!!

wow... so much to say... such prying eyes.
not for this journal lol
I still love you all.
not for this journal lol
I still love you all.
Im here!!
Unpacking is not going as expected... Dave's family is in town this week for his show premiere... so Im entertaining as well as trying to get shit done... bleh.
Im here!!
Unpacking is not going as expected... Dave's family is in town this week for his show premiere... so Im entertaining as well as trying to get shit done... bleh.
Chicago welcomes you!
Also, great news about the set.... such a pretty lady! <3