For Realsies
On Blogger here.
Hey look, it's Tuesday. So here we are again. It's almost like Tuesday comes every around once a week.
Am I stuck in some kind of weekly Ground Hog Day situation? Oh gods...Ahhh!
Sorry, I had a lot of sugar today. At work they decided to show some appreciation, and brought in some finger foods caterers with a cappuccino machine. Since I'm not one to turn down free shit I ate all the food, and drank the "cappuccino" which I'm pretty sure was just a cup of sugar with some caffeine mixed in for good measure.
I've recently decided to take up some of my own advice, and shake things up a little. I want to get back to doing my weekly hike so I'm reaching out to some other folks that I know enjoy it, and we're going to do a morning hike each weekend. Probably Sundays since I like to hit the pub on Friday evenings, and will need to run out the poison Saturday morning. I'm thinking we'll start with some simple trails first to get a feel for what everyone wants out of it, then move on from there.
This isn't going to replace anything. I'll still be working on C25K, and my weight lifting is a top priority. This is just something a little less intense to do, and will allow me to enjoy the scenery for once instead of just running past it in a haze. Spacing out on a run is definitely something I do, though it's probably not good since I tend to run near/on roads. I also need to get back out onto my bicycle as I've been neglecting it. So many things I want to do, and so few days to do them all in.
To top it all off; what I expected to happen definitely happened. Vacation ended, and I'm more pumped then ever to hit the pavement and weights. I decided to let the food baby growing in me dissipate before updating my numbers so that there's not this weird spike, then sudden drop in my numbers. Come next Tuesday I'll have new numbers (probably not good numbers), and new photos. They'll be less "progress", and more "that experiment failed, so let's start for realsies".