Tryptophan Induced Blogging
On Blogger Here.
Happy Turkey Day everyone!
For our Thanksgiving blog we're going to talk about food, and food related guilt. It bothers me every year when I see people getting upset that they ate a lot at Thanksgiving. You know what? Who cares. As long as you don't eat like that every day, and it's a 1-3 day thing it really isn't going to hurt in the long run. You enjoy the food, the company, and a little guiltless excess every once in a while. Life is far too short to be worried about a few days out of the year where you just eat a bunch of turkey and stuffing.
So if you ate all that food what should you do? Honestly, nothing. Just stick to your normal routine if possible, and if not due to traveling or what have you, then just pick up when you get back. Stressing over getting an extra workout in because you had an extra 1000 or 2000 calories isn't worth it. Over the years I've been through this, and when I stressed about what I was eating I found it impacted so negatively that I not only felt bad, but it would even lead me to "giving up". This journey shouldn't be something that you hate, or makes you feel bad. It should be about making the best of yourself, and feeling good while doing it.
What am I doing this week? I'm actually doing nothing. I forgot to pack running clothes, and I don't have access to weights. So instead of stressing about it I'm just enjoying the time I'm spending with my family. Surfing the web looking for deals, talking to family members on the phone who couldn't be here, and just enjoying myself. A week away from the weights, and pavement will be a nice recharge, and come next week I'll be able to hit both with even more gusto.
But Matt, I really want to get my workout in, but I'm traveling!
Then...get your workout in? There are so many options available to you even if no equipment is accessible. Hit the pavement where ever you are, or if you're interested in weight lifting then do body weight exercises. You can even find something that has some weight to it and do some lifting with that. I know when I was in France I ended up doing squats with my suitcase. EMOMs, or Every Minute on the Minute, are also a good way to test/work on your endurance. I was doing a challenge that involved doing a large number of air squats over the span of 3 months, and EMOMs were a great way to build up my endurance, and work towards my goal.
If doing a large number of body weight workouts over a 3 month span interests you I'd recommend checking out Charity Challenges. It's definitely a challenge, and the money goes to an amazing cause.
There are so many options available to you that if you really want to continue getting your workout in then there shouldn't be a problem. It might not be the exact same workout, but that might be just what you need to keep things fresh.
Well, I'm gonna go eat too much now, and enjoy the company of my family. You do that too!
On a side note; I'm super excited to get back to things. Now that my curiosity is sated I can hit my routines hard. The progress pictures will make a come back, and the numbers will be updated. I hope you're looking forward to it as well!