MY belly is super full of the hamburger i just ate from Jack in the box......
burgers at midnight
Speaking of the Jack has anyone heard of or been to one of those new Jack and the Box grills/restruants???? I'll have a beer with my monster tacos please.....crazy.
An another JacK to talk dog. I had to sell him after only haveing him for two weeks. HE thought my living room was a good place to pee....even after he was walked for half an hour ahhhhh.... everytime we came back inside he lifted his leg on the wall, table legs, my sons toys, or his fav the couch.
I'll never get the smell out
17 Days till We get to move into our house!!!!!!

Speaking of the Jack has anyone heard of or been to one of those new Jack and the Box grills/restruants???? I'll have a beer with my monster tacos please.....crazy.
An another JacK to talk dog. I had to sell him after only haveing him for two weeks. HE thought my living room was a good place to pee....even after he was walked for half an hour ahhhhh.... everytime we came back inside he lifted his leg on the wall, table legs, my sons toys, or his fav the couch.

17 Days till We get to move into our house!!!!!!
lovely lovely you though
hehe and like mm food!~