Time for an update....
I just burned my hand steaming milk... ouch!!!! But, a BIG THANKS to Manda for passing on her espresso machine to me!!!!
I drove around looking at houses and I want one so bad. I'm tired of townhouse living!!!
I'm working on everything I talked about in my last journal. I got my camera cleaned up and new batteries for it and I've taking pictures all week. I'm not sure how I'm going to fit any kinda of hobbies in with my new 8-5 work schedule but I'll just have to try and make time.
I think this quote is very true so I wanted to posted it but, I really hope beat reads it and remembers it.
"Every problem has a gift for you in its hands."
-Richard Bach
I just burned my hand steaming milk... ouch!!!! But, a BIG THANKS to Manda for passing on her espresso machine to me!!!!
I drove around looking at houses and I want one so bad. I'm tired of townhouse living!!!
I'm working on everything I talked about in my last journal. I got my camera cleaned up and new batteries for it and I've taking pictures all week. I'm not sure how I'm going to fit any kinda of hobbies in with my new 8-5 work schedule but I'll just have to try and make time.
I think this quote is very true so I wanted to posted it but, I really hope beat reads it and remembers it.
"Every problem has a gift for you in its hands."
-Richard Bach
what up yo. i'm doin' good, getting ready to go to work, again. hope you had a good day.

hi baby