So Dale Jr's pottymouth cost him 25 pts; enough to knock him to second place behind Busch. $10,000 too, for chrissakes.

Labonte's at 15th and Wallace's at 17th now. Crappy last year for Rusty.
that sucks so hard for dale jr. he's the best driver out there.... but i will SO make you some cookies if you vote smile i'll even mail them to you smile
yeah, my family is pretty big into racing. my dad once raced... so it's a quasi lame past time.
I bowled the best game of my entire life last night: ONE-oh FIVE. But the real winners are the empty bottles.

How do you turn 4 dirty quarters into a pack of smokes, a blunt or two, two 40s of PBR, $8.75, and a kitchen full of returnables?

Invite your friends over for poker. wink
True story. And it only took me 2 & a half hours.
thanks for joining the VS group! smile
For starters::
#1 : ALL Golf Courses MUST be built upon pre-existing Land-Fills. If your existing golf course is not on a landfill, it becomes a nuclear test site until it is above 3 billion tons of your own refuse.
#2 ; Burying your dead, for whatever ridiculous reason, applies to the same rules as the above.
#3 ; All drug laws are determined by...
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Everyone on Earth, and I mean EVERYONE, should just concede, abdicate, throw in the towel whatever, and start work on the NEXT project: making robot slaves to do all of our work. Then we can all live in Paradise together and have a good laugh about all this nonsense.

Who gives a shit?!
i like meatwad!
I'M fucken SERIOUS!!
I mean, doesn't this sound like great idea? This is my party platform. This needs to be our new focus!
The govt finally caught me. My wages are to be garnished, starting next month, unless I can come up with $646 in 9 days. I will be taking home the equivalent of $7.60 an hour I figure. My only options are to pay it off or keep on running from the man. So everything's kinda going to shit now. I'll just try not to be...
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good luck with that.

p.s. from what i can see in your pictures you have nice eyes. Congrats on that.
thats not cool about the money frown
Um, I'm probably going to have to get a job at chicken coop mad
Margaret Cho is in Kzoo on October 8th I believe. I don't know about tickets though smile
Shake makes me so mad. mad
My landlord is going to be living in my house now. I love the guy, but this is some reality tv shit.

No, wait-- it's just reality. Shit.
Yeah, I'm in the USAF (doesn't feel like it sometimes, though... confused ), and I just got back from Korea today--fun trip.

Stories like this are just a kick in the gut, aren't they? I've been to Turkey, and even as just a foreigner I felt the despair the poor there have hovering over them. I can't imagine what it's like among the persecuted...

Come payday, if I don't find something that blatantly contradicts the story so many webpages have been carrying, I'll send this guy and his family a couple of Franklins. If this thing goes to any sort of protracted court action, they're going to be hurting. frown
I was there for an exercise, actually.

My impression of South Korea is that it's a very amazing country at a cultural crossroads.

Imagine familial and social relations falling more along the lines of the US' 40s and 50s. Increasingly, kids are getting too "hip" for the elder generations' tastes, impressed as they are by foreign music, fashion, attitude, etc.

Many young people are politically aware (a trait passed on by parents who were under an outwardly nice but rather sinister government for so long), and it's amazing to see the amount of participation here. I had the impression that those who could went to vote, and I saw crowds of tens and even hundreds of thousands gathering for protests, sit-ins, demonstrations, etc. Were it in the States you'd think something major was going on, but here people are much more vocal about things you and I might swallow.

Technology has an everyday impact in life. Almost every kid I saw over 10 had a cellphone and relied on it for their daily events, social gatherings, etc. Internet cafes are ubiquitous.

Not everyone digs the US--or at least the military. I got some cold stares during my time there, but-as in most places-I learned that once you get to know people they would rather judge you by your character than by the flag you fly. I honestly believe that most people opposed to US presence take this stance because they believe ardently that the division of the peninsula cannot survive Kim Jon Il's inevitable death. One can only hope.

People can be somewhat impersonal to strangers, but it was my experience that they warm up quickly when pleasantly surprised (giving an old lady a seat or right of way, being nice to kids... you know, basic civility).

My only real complaint (and it's a small one) is that there is so much chaos caused by endless building--everywhere.

All in all, a fascinating place to visit and a very interesting people to study. smile
Well, I have one day of vacation left. Today was the first of ten days in a row in which I didn't watch the sunset on the beach. And the first day I ate a meal indoors. Ten days without tv, computers, telephones, underwear.
I don't think I can go back to the real world on Wednesday. Dammit.
I'm not sure how to get the cd exchange jump-started.. and i'm going out of town for three weeks.. so if there are few more responses by then, it'll be easier. But I'd definately like to get it up again, just I'm moving, so the deadline would have to be early November.

..and I guess I owe you a cookie...