So, I'm taking June 1-4 off of work and going on a quick jaunt to see Modest Mouse in Fargo, Sioux Falls, & back in Minneapolis (TWICE). PLUS, the tix I got for the Mpls shows are honestly THE BEST TICKETS I'VE EVER GOT!!!!! First night is second row of the orchestra pit, second night is third row of the orchestra pit! So so so so excited. After this, I'll have seen them 7 times in the past year. Yeah, it's a bit silly, but what can ya do??? Fun City!
Also, I got a hair cut. It's very short again, but not shaved. I also put a little red in cuz I'm vain & don't like that I'm going grey, or gray. The mop was just too hot & it's spring.
Also, I got a hair cut. It's very short again, but not shaved. I also put a little red in cuz I'm vain & don't like that I'm going grey, or gray. The mop was just too hot & it's spring.