March being a pretty good month, was followed by April which is turning out to be horrible. I was recently in a car accident. Which has ended the life of my Audi S4, a week before that I sold the only other car of mine that was running for 1000 bucks. I am now in pretty serious pain, my neck, right shoulder, and back are all in aching.
More Blogs
Saturday Dec 24, 2011
This is going to be an interesting Christmas. All three of my mothers… -
Wednesday Dec 21, 2011
Lighter note... An upward turn of events since my last post. Turns ou… -
Thursday Dec 15, 2011
So I quit another job today... this is the third job I quit in 2 year… -
Thursday Dec 08, 2011
Read More -
Tuesday Dec 06, 2011
So I get into the tattoo parlor Friday night and everyone in there wa… -
Saturday Dec 03, 2011
Getting new ink tomorrow. Just because I can I guess, don't really ha… -
Wednesday Nov 30, 2011
I hate being my own boss sometimes... having to harass people to pay … -
Monday Nov 28, 2011
Worked hard all weekend, to wake up today at 2:30am with a raging hea… -
Wednesday Nov 23, 2011
Monday Nov 21, 2011
Okay what exactly is it with you women. I date you for years, and the…