March being a pretty good month, was followed by April which is turning out to be horrible. I was recently in a car accident. Which has ended the life of my Audi S4, a week before that I sold the only other car of mine that was running for 1000 bucks. I am now in pretty serious pain, my neck, right shoulder, and back are all in aching.
More Blogs
Friday Mar 09, 2012
I get amazed how fast people jump to conclusions sometimes. Twice tod… -
Thursday Feb 16, 2012
Please vote for my design! Yes I am shamefully begging for more vo… -
Friday Feb 10, 2012
So in efforts to keep busy while I have been unemployed I have been w… -
Friday Feb 03, 2012
So with the dire need to get paid and the hopes that I am as good a g… -
Saturday Jan 21, 2012
Ugh! Something needs to change... work has come to a complete hault, … -
Sunday Jan 15, 2012
Finally booked a venue... we now have 4 bands on the schedule. I must… -
Monday Jan 09, 2012
So the event promoting business hasn't been going so well. I put toge… -
Thursday Jan 05, 2012
Not quiet sure how I got myself talked into this... but it looks like… -
Tuesday Dec 27, 2011
HOLY SHIT BALLZ!!!! I started advertising my business on Facebook tod… -
Monday Dec 26, 2011
So I am sitting at my desk at home Christmas Eve morning trying to ge…