So I quit another job today... this is the third job I quit in 2 years. In the last 17 years I quit I quit a total of 4 jobs. Employers suck these days, they think that because we are in a down economy they can try and pay you shit, thinking that they will be able to keep you because your afraid of losing your job. Fuck that! My rent hasn't lowered because of a down economy, my bills haven't lowered because of a down economy why should I take a pay cut because it's a down economy?
More Blogs
Tuesday Apr 23, 2013
March being a pretty good month, was followed by April which is turni… -
Friday Mar 29, 2013
In Las Vegas... Enjoying Viva Las Vegas 16... Photos to come soon!!! -
Wednesday Mar 13, 2013
Of course just weeks from my Vacation and days from my Birthday, I ge… -
Wednesday Mar 06, 2013
Almost my birthday, my vacation is almost here... I can't wait to get… -
Monday Feb 11, 2013
Well looks like the man I have been hunting, the man I have been want… -
Monday Jan 28, 2013
I am not a guy that likes to start shit. But sometimes you have to st… -
Friday Jan 25, 2013
Went to the Star of Texas Tattoo Art Revival Show last weekend and my… -
Thursday Jan 10, 2013
Well my '55 Buick has just been cast in a movie. I have to get this t… -
Saturday Dec 08, 2012
All great things come to an end... and apparently abruptly in my life… -
Monday Oct 22, 2012
I haven't updated in a bit but here goes... So in the past month m…
I think my next day off is Christmas? I would like to go out eventually.
Took a tour downtown and been checking things out by my crib a little..