so i did a stint as a motorcycle messenger until some asshat cut me off, thus causing damage to my bike to the extent that i had to quit. its cool though, cause it was about time to start school again. Now i'm working as a programmer down in sunnyvale. pays well enough. school is fun, taking machine shop, stage crew chem, and trig. yup,...
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I get the feeling that i'm not going much of anywhere in my life. I mean yea, sure, I'm going to school, telling myself that i'll become an engineer and make megabucks, but a) who knows if i have the resolve to get through another 3 years of math, b)if getting a degree will make me feel like i'm moving along with my life. perhaps...
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Oh man, that does suck. I'm glad it didn't cause too much damage. I've had other crashes that were less stupid and caused way less damage...this one makes me extra mad cause it was way stupid and way more damage. Grrrrrrr. Oh well, it's just a bike, even though I love it.
Its a fact, you are a homosexual clown. that is the best unibrow I have ever laid eyes on. You should shave it off before it takes over the rest of your face.
Yet another lazy summer day. I got my tax refund today in the mail. WOOHOO!. I spent the majority of the day listening to a bunch of stuff windbags wheeze on about stuff that hardly pertains to me so that i could accept the scholarship they gave me.
yes, seagull. How creative. Never heard that one before. Nope. Never.
Yeah, I agree, I think your spiritual make up matters the most. You kind of create your own heaven/hell that you may exist in, maybe it's like American Beauty, your final moment stretches into eternity. In a way, I can't wait to find out 
