Yeah I joined The Satanic Temple. For those of you who dont know TST is about fighting to keep religions out of government which is a big problem in the US.
For the record if you're a believer i dont hate you or care if you practice it without infringing on anyone else. No I dont think Satan is real and no I dont worship Satan.
This for me is exclusively to lend my voice to making our government secular again. If you've got questions just ask.
@troicinet its sad to see that TST is necessary in this day and age. Our right to a secular government are trod upon by christian conservatism in this country so its mostly a platitude. Im sorry to hear its such a problem over there as well. Unfortunately the only chapter in my state is about 5 hours away in Pensacola so the community aspect is a no go for me, hopefully yours is closer. Good luck and know youre not alone. Unrelated, what is that in your profile pic? Is that Cool Cat?
My closest chapter is actually in Melbourne which is about 7 hours drive. (I live in Rural Australia) but I might try and round up some more like minded folks closer to home. And its Brigsby Bear! A film from a couple of years ago. Worth a watch.