I hope you know "Cute" is my ultimate expression of adoration. "Cute" is approachable "Cute" is something that makes the world stop. I adore you and that means so much more to me than "beautiful" thank you ladies for being "Cute"


Ladies I hope you know that all your replies touch me deeply. Every time i hear back from you is the feeling of elation. I adore you if ive called you "Cute" it means im comfortable with you and i wish you belonged to me. I like cute ober beautiful... Its approachable and it usually means lower self esteem. Im sorry but i enjoy a...
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I love the time just before dark when everything goes still it seems like everything holds its breath for the sun to disappear. Theres something special about this time with everything bathed in dark orange in the stillness.

you have a way with words, I like it 😊

I beat the story mode but there are multiple endings. I wasnt very satisfied with the one i chose. Visually it was cool but i wasnt satisfied with it. Started a new campaign and use the strategy guide i bought for the damn thing lol.


I was driving on a mountain in a truck when i saw a bear run out in the road. Immediately im like "kill it" so i floor it and the bear runs the same direction im driving. I caught up to him and it flips my truck 4 times and i land back on top of him.


The game is awesome. The army helicopter is ridiculous. May even be game breaking for some. Get the repair perk and you can destroy the cult members. Its scary how similar the cult is to a certain religion thats prevalent in America.


I just want yo tank all you ladies for being you. I always love hearing from you and learning about your lives. I feel really privileged to get to know you. People like @moxy @redberry @nebula @cripplethreat you really brighten my day when i see whats going on in your lives. Hope you know i loves ya. There are a lot of ladies i didnt...
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Thank you 💜💜
@sid1984 My goodness i need to keep up with comments, how did i not see this you beautiful man <3 Thank you for all your support and love. Hope you're well and things are good with you. Take care sweet

Was cutting fronds off the tree in the back yard and i see the tree move. Here this cute little guy pops out. I touched him with the shears (gently) and he bit it. He wasnt having any of my bullshit.


Lots of things going through my mind about my mom dying... She's been sick most of my life and manipulated me so many times into thinking she was going to die any moment. I loved her so much but i had to keep her out of my life for the past 2 years. Things are pretyy fucked up right now.

I'm so sorry. Be good to yourself
Thanks Nebs your sweet

know i go on about a lot of girls eyes but seeing a beautiful pair of eyes attached to a tiny goddess staring back at me makes me melt. Im yours completely. Its SO sexy. Thank you to all you ladies who let me see their eyes. I love it.