I just wanted to say a heart-filled thank you to all my new followers! I was surprised to see so many!
I’d love to know how you found me so I can keep doing whatever it is that gets people to see me on here! I mean, it’s so hard to get followers when you’ve been here for almost 17 years as a model, before so much of this site is how it is now, and when your sets continually go unpurchased.
I hope you all are well, and thank you for following me whether you’ve followed me since my first day here or just a few minutes ago. I appreciate you!
It’s been a really rough year for everyone, but I got to start off 2020 in a bitter divorce battle, which is why I don’t post as often as I should, but I met my now ex husband of 12 years here through SG, so it made it hard for me to post. Meanwhile, he was apparently posting with my account, getting in fights with people, and almost having me archived. I just got an email one day asking me NOT to have interactions on the site for a bit. I was really confused. I whole heartedly apologize to anyone he may have started conflict with and whoever thought it was me. Don’t even get me started on how the pandemic isolated me further, so I didn’t know what to talk about or say here. Plus he and his old roommate seem to stalk my every post, even though they didn’t apply to them or my life, I still got screamed at and threatened for “posting about them”. 98% of the times I was accused of this, my post wasn’t about them. It was just stream of consciousness writing.
We no longer live remotely near each other, and I’ll most likely be moving out of state in 2022 or so. I have a dream job on hold for me elsewhere. I just hope my illness won’t get in the way of me doing said job.
I just need a break from reality. I wish I could go on a vacation and get a damn good massage.