Things are tough. I’m upset because I was supposed to be in Chicago at C2E2 this weekend, but the “ex” and I have a settlement hearing on Monday, so I couldn’t go work like I was supposed to. I was actually invited by the con as a guest, and I’m so upset that 2 years in a row, I couldn’t be there due to The major problems with my marriage/divorce.
I’ve moved to another part of the city. I’m in a real nice area. I like it here. It’s so much quieter here, but it’s also higher in elevation, so I’m trying to get used to it. Moving over 1000 feet higher up and closer to the tourist traps is actually a bit more peaceful than I assumed it would be.
However, I am getting rather fed up with some things going on. I’m pretty fucking over people thinking it’s their business to know what I would like to spend any money on and telling me that I don’t need certain things that I’d like to have to make my new apartment feel more like a home for myself and my pets. Let me dream if I want to! I literally have no furniture for my living room except for a couch the only room I use in my new apartment is my bedroom. It’s the only part of my apartment that is pretty much has furniture in it.
Although, I am grateful for many people who have helped me through these hard times and are continuing to support me emotionally and in other ways. Like a friend who sent me a new iPad to the lovely members on here who have been amazingly loving like @cripplethreat, who is not only super loving, but also amazingly sweet, kind, caring, funny, and can seemingly bring a smile on my face even on my worst days. I should also mention @triplewww for being a great friend who sent me a Valentine’s Day gift of chocolates, and the man we all know as “Master Roshi”, among the countless others who have been checking in on me, talking me through bad days/situations and sending general messages of love and positivity. Without any doubt the lot of you who have been talking to me almost daily to make sure I’m okay, I would not be as strong as I am right now. And having been able to reconnect with some of the OGSGs and some SGs who have since archived has also been extremely good for me.
I've also recently reconnected with my “childhood” pen pal who has been an extremely major force in driving me forward and encouraging me every step of the way!
And as always, since I am kind of stranded alone without much, if any type of furniture except a bed and a couch, if you or anyone you know might have anything they don’t want/need anymore, or even just a lead, please let me know. I always send thank you signed print and sometimes a card or other goodies to anyone who helps me out in any way shape or form. Just contact me on here and I will let you know how you might be able to help me best/and to send me address where I may send you your gift!
Thank you my loves!