I noticed I got a bunch of new followers recently and wanted to say hello to you new friends (and let my older friends know I’m still alive and I’m okay. Not 100%, but better due to the intensive therapy and trying to hold onto hope.
Anyway, back to happier things! How about you, my awesome followers, tell me something about you! Whether you’ve been following me for years or just started out. How did you find me? What prompted you to follow me? You can also ask me some questions as well. Please nothing too intense about my current relationship woes, and please nothing sexual. I am just not in the mindset to talk about it here. I want a happy place, and since I’ve been an SG for almost 16 years now, so I think this should be my happy place to interact with wonderful people!
I hope you all had a great Halloween/Halloween weekend (I did nothing since my legs and back gave out thanks to my Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. Joy!)
I’m any event, I could use some positivity in my life right now. Send some good vibes my way, and I will try to send you some happy vibes in return! ❤️
the kitteh above pretty much only leaves my side to use the box, she snores loud cause of her smoosh face, and I’ve had her since I was in college, which I am super old now, so... You can see this kitty as a cameo in my “Simply Sid” set and in my SGTV video, which was filmed when she was still a baby kitten. I’d actually got her only a couple months prior to that video.
Anyhow, sorry for the off topic here. Just wanted to end this on some happier things!
P.S. I just wanted to give out a special thank you to those of you who have been so sweet to me over the past few months. It really means a lot that I have a whole lot of support and love here on SG. I really need it right now. Hopefully when I can get my feet on the ground and life stops spinning out of control, I will be more active and begin shooting some sets again. I need to lose some of this stress weight I’ve gained (I think I look like a potato), and am literally and figuratively in a better place, I would love to invite you all into my new life. I have some plans, and they’ve been on hold because of all this crap going on. But once again, positivity! I need all you can spare!