Hello SG!
First of all, I wanted to thank each and every one of you who has commented on my new set in Member Review "Pastel Stars". If you haven't left me any love on the set yet, I'd appreciate if you would, and if you won't do it for me, at least do it for @milloux because, seriously, all the credit goes to her. I've been trying so hard to get a set shot over the past 4 years, but I've been denied, told I will never have a never set bought by multiple photographers, and even had one hopeful photographer show up to where we were picking her up high on something extremely terrifying, that I couldn't even function under the anxiety it was giving me. Not to mention, she didn't even bring her camera. So, @milloux is for real, my hero, and the reason this beautiful set exists! So if anything, she's the one who should be thanked for this set existing. Please, help this baby get bought for her sake, not just mine. ☺️ Since I can't thank her enough, I think we all should thank her by giving love to this set. Even if you're not a fan of me or my modeling or whatever, do this for her.
Now onto my belated homework, I hope @missy and @rambo will give me a pass for handing it in a bit late, but this is what's on my Holiday Wishlist!
Firstly, I am actually spending Christmas and New Year's alone, which is sad within itself, but it's because my body would never make it in Alaska for almost 2 weeks with my family. So my first item on my wishlist, which is impossible, but it would be:
To have a cure for my Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, but realistically, it would to actually have gifts to open under my tree so I have something to look forward to while I eat Matzo Ball soup and have ham and contradict so many religious traditions, but really only because I have no religious beliefs, and I like food from cultures all over the world.
In all actuality, I have an Amazon wishlist here, but I'm not expecting any gifts. If you'd like to send me one, I'll love you forever and quite possibly send you a thank you (depending on how poor I am, which there is a good chance I will be in immediately after the holidays, since I like giving to people if I can.)
Although, there is one thing you all can do for me, which is completely free! I'd love it if you could look up my illness, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome online (I have types 3 and 4), and spread some awareness about it, if you can. If even just one new person learns about EDS passes that knowledge on, that can help people like me who suffer from it get the treatments we deserve, and have our medications actually covered by our insurances, and maybe even have more research done on it. I mean, most doctors don't even know what it is or how to treat it. By spreading awareness, that means more doctors will have to learn about our illness and learn how to treat us, instead of acting like we are just "drug seekers". By all means, we are not. We are just looking for relief from the constant chronic pain we endure daily, and I know for a fact that I am not the only SuicideGirl who suffers from this illness. I just don't feel it's my place to out them. It's up to them whether or not they want to come forward and say they have it.
Because of my illness, I will never have my own children (luckily, I've never really wanted any) because it can literally kill me to have or even try to carry one to term, and I have a large percentage of handing off my illness to any offspring. Even if for some miracle, I did want kids, had one that didn't kill me, and turned out to not have EDS, it's not really fair to an child to have me as a mother, nor my husband. There are days I can't walk. There are days that I'm in so much pain, I can't get out of bed, there are days I fall a lot and not to mention, I dislocate things a bit, and sometimes need forearm crutches just to get around my own house. Besides, I don't think a baby can wait until mommy can get out of bed or walk to be fed and changed. That's just awful. Then there's the financial side of things. I can't get a traditional full time or part time job, which is why I do cosplaying, photography, and modeling because usually, I can fight through a few hours with each of them, and I can rest if needed. I've been denied disability over 5 times now (I've lost count), and I have literally no help from drug companies or "foundations"/charities to be able to afford that $450/month for my meds.
Just take a very short time out of one of your days off, or when you have time to learn one new thing, and tell one person or post it on Facebook saying something like, "Hey, this SG I know has this illness. Most doctors don't even know what it is or how to treat it, so please take a moment to read up on it, and then pass it on to someone else you know so awareness can be spread, and we can help those suffering from EDS get better care!" That's really the best thing you could do for me as far as a holiday gift/wish. Finding better treatments for EDS could mean more sets from me (even if I only ever get to shoot with @milloux and travel to LA to do so)!
I hope everyone has a happy holiday season, and send some more love to my set, which is linked at the top of this blog.
And seriously, no lies, no strings, if this set gets purchased, I will have a live streaming "Thank You" party, and everyone will be invited, and for those of you who have been following me on social media, you will also get a special video, which I will host on my own password-protected web page to those who show me that they commented at least once on my set. The logistics will work if and when my set is purchased, and having this set bought will for sure encourage me to shoot many, many more, and I am hoping to shoot my first multi-set ever in the not too distant future.
Thank you so much, SG! You are truly my home and surrogate family. You're all so wonderful to me, and words cannot describe how grateful I am for those of you who support me through every wild ride I've been through in the past (almost) 13 years.