@lyxzen @rambo @missy I'm actually doing blog homework! W00t! Mostly because I literally just won a cosplay contest at Club Cosplay for Denver Comic Con! And it made me realize, that I've won several Cosplay awards, but never really considered that they were awards for my cosplays... That sounds weird, but let me explain... Eventually, by the end of this blog.First of all, let me tell you about the newest award.Two weekends ago, I went to Denver Comic Con, and I only entered this cosplay contest, really to get the free entry for doing so, because I was given one free ticket, which I figured I could give to @trevor, then literally hours after I entered the contest, I won 2 more tickets to the Club Cosplay party, so I gave those to friends. Anyhow, I wanted to enter my new Gwenpool cosplay, but in rushing to get it done on time, I cut some corners, that made my cosplay not work. I *will* have her done for San Diego Comic Con, but I regret not being able to get her done sooner. Anyway, so I entered my old standby, Captain Marvel. This cosplay was completely sewn by hand by me, so I am most proud of it. Here is a photo from that night before the contest:
I won a Judges' choice award for all the work I put into this baby. Please ignore the snarly wig, as I didn't have time to brush it prior to this photo. I've yet to get photos from the actual contest, with me on stage, but I actually won a full body scan and, therefore, an action figure of myself is being made. The guy is even hand painting my tattoos and is hoping my figure can be a prototype to talk about possibly doing some more SGs for free! So, I didn't just win for myself, I won for other girls who might be interested! I love it when that happens!
I've also won amazing items from Marvel for my dedicated Marvel Cosplaying. This is what I meant by not realizing that these were really awards. Two years in a row, at San Diego Comic Con, I've won Marvel limited edition Sideshow statues for my Ms Marvel:
The Wolverine was won last year, and the IronMan was won in 2014, both for this cosplay:
There was also another time in which I won a costume contest for my cosplay. This time it was the Latex Catsuited Pixie from X-Men. The photo of my prize is hard to see, but I won a pair of tickets to the Black Keys, and I ended up not being able to go, which sucked, but my friends had fun.
I've never really won anything by luck, well, except for a pair of Jimmy Buffet tickets I didn't even want, but I have won several items for my skills in cosplay conception/making.
And since I'm already talking about cosplays, since Denver Comic Con was the weekend after my birthday, I asked my mom if she'd buy me an autograph from Clark Gregg (Agent/Director Coulson from the Marvel movies and Agents of SHIELD). I had him autograph one of my Funkos, and they gave me a sticker to prove it's authenticity. I also joked that my SHIELD ID expires next year, so he asked me for it, and signed it in character as Coulson so it wouldn't expire ever. That's what he told me! Haha! I carry it in my wallet still!
(sorry about the Low Res photo, someone who was in line with me took this photo of me with his phone after getting them signed and sent it to me)
And while still on the subject of Comic Cons, two more things: When @Trevor and I went to WonderCon this year, we stayed a few days extra, and we went to a taping of the Price is Right the day after the con ended, and coincidentally, the episode airs this week on the 4th of July. Neither of us got picked, but we will be on the show, so you can play "spot the SuicideGirl" if you'd like!
Lastly, I just wanted to let you all know that I will be at San Diego Comic Con again this year. I'm friendly, and have no problem making new friends, so if you are coming too, maybe we can hang out! I am not working at the SG booth this year :sad face: š¢, but I will be at the Burlesque shows! (Unless something bars me from going, which I hope won't happen!)
But if you'd like to meet up with me there, I'll prob be easy to spot. Or you can leave me a message on instagram. (instagram.com/sidsuicide) or Facebook (Facebook.com/sidsuicide), or call me on UenMe, which I'm also on there (uenme.co/SidSuicide). I will accept free calls on the app during comic con, so if anyone needs me or wants to meet.
Hopefully, things will go well this trip. After my badges being revoked, then reinstated because of a database error, and my flights to WonderCon getting messed the hell up, I am just in need of a smooth trip. Especially since there are friends I can't wait to see, including connections and new cosplays to debut, including Storm, Gwenpool, and Wasp (assuming she makes it here on time, because she's coming from the same person who made my Pink Lady Deadpool, in Canada, and yeah... the post is on strike). I will, of course have my Captain Marvel. I wanted to have a new one made by SDCC, based on a different costume style, but by the time we figured out how we're going to have to do certain things and that we lack a 3D printer, that will be a work in progress starting after SDCC for 2017. At least it will be closer to the movie!
I hope everyone's doing well and all those in the US have a safe holiday, and everyone else just has a fun weekend!
ā ļø-Sid-ā ļø