@scuba3388 I'm sorry dude, but *that* is not how you talk to a woman. Ever. 1) You do not know the size of my breasts, nor do you need to, and 2) calling a woman a "phat ass woman" is not a compliment. Bringing up a woman's ass and calling it "phat", despite it apparently not meaning that (also, it's not 1992 anymore) is inappropriate, and I am actually struggling with body image issues right now because I have an incurable genetic disease that causes all sorts of problems. So, please take this as a lesson. Women are not objects, and even though we SuicideGirls *are* naked on the internet, we deserve the same respect you'd give your sister, your mother, or your female cousins. P.S. I am married too, to a member here. His name is @Trevor.
Don't pay any attention to that hating idiot you look and are amazing love your pics 🌹🌹🌹