Hello lovelies!
How have you been lately?
This past week has been a whirlwind of pretty awesome! Last Saturday, I went to the High Times Cannabis Cup in Denver to volunteer and hang out at a booth that SG had there.
Our booth just happened to be right by the booth for "Charlotte's Web". For those of you who haven't heard about CW, it's been all over the news lately. I urge you to google it to read up on it because a short and sweet explanation doesn't do the actual story any of the justice it so rightfully deserves...
Are you back from reading about it? Good! Anyway, I was talking to one of the Stanley brothers (the guys who created it) about how I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and how I have to wear a pain patch and take opioids with the patch for breakthrough pain, which I get on a daily basis, and he had me take some home and try it. All week that I had it, it was amazing. I felt calmer, relaxed, and pain-free!
Today, I went into their shop to pick up a bottle of the actual real honest to goodness Charlotte's Web, the kind that is super concentrated and lasts for awhile, and that you have to dose with a needless syringe. They were really excited to hear that it's helping!
If you're interested more of the story or think you might want some to help you, you can go to cwbotanicals.com! I'm really excited about how it's helping me so far, and I want to spread it out there for everyone to know about it!
I got to see the Blackheart Burlesque show again over the weekend too. It was amazing, as always! :)
I took video at the show for staff. (The one above is just from my iPhone, I used my Canon to take video too.)
So things are going really well with me lately! I got my plane tickets to San Diego Comic Con last night, and I cannot wait to be cosplaying!
Speaking of Cosplay, I got hooked up with some sweet gigs as a cosplayer. I'll be cosplaying as Captain Marvel (if it's done by then) or Ms. Marvel (both Carol Danvers editions) for the release of the second Avengers movie, and then I'll be cosplaying again on Free Comic Book Day at my local comic shop! Hooray for getting paid to dress up for fun!
Does that officially make me a "professional cosplayer" now? Hahaha!
And, next weekend, we are going to kick so much ass at the Avengers Trivia Quiz by Geeks Who Drink in our town. We're going to kill it!
I hope you all are doing extremely well! :)