If being brutally honest makes me an asshole, then well, I'd rather be an asshole than see injustice happen and people being scared away from something they love over a tyrant who thinks the world owes them everything.
We need less people willing to step all over the backs of others for a cheap thrill in the world and more people who are willing to actually be amazing to each other and help. We need less tattle-tales and more truthful brave people to stand up when they see something wrong.
I'd rather see more smiling faces than a sea of people exiting in sad silence because one person keeps getting their way! And if that makes me an asshole, then well, I guess I'm a complete asshole, and I don't fucking care!
I may only be 5 feet and some inches tall, but I have a big heart and I stand up for myself and for others. Even when it gets me into trouble!
My honesty may not win me popularity, but I can sleep at night knowing that I did something brave and kind of beautiful.
And I'm extremely proud of who I am. At the end of the day, that's what matters most. And what also matters most is that I have amazing people in my life who love me for who I am.
And while I may be struggling with my body a lot these days, I am happy knowing that my mind and my heart are both extremely beautiful, and that matters way more than my appearance.
Thank you, SG, for allowing me to have a voice and show what's inside my heart and mind! 😘 There are so many amazing people here, and that's why I'm still here 11+ years later.
P.S. I am having a print sale on my etsy store:
P.P.S. I will be at both Denver Comic Con and San Diego Comic Con this year! If you want to get some drinks with me after either, let me know!