well...i think im cursed.

i know kim and i werent official...but she didnt have to go and hook up with another guy. FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!!!!
...speaking from experience...sometimes, these things happen. If you think she's worth it, don't write her off...

::Sigh:: feelings are so complicated, eh?
Geeeeeeze, are you serious? Im super sorry to hear that, hun!!!! Also, I read your last blog about the trips to philly.....completely reminds me of when I was dating that crack head in upstate new york....same deal, completely.....it's hard to get over, took me about two years, actually......BUT you will move forward, I promise....about this Kim chick, though......hmmm... confused
Whats up everyone??

Hi Roxie!!!!!!

got the motor back in the mote finally...and it has NO LEAKS!!!!!! thank god for that!!!! I wanted it to be ready for this weekends cruise- in in Ocean City...but no such luck. That's ok b/c now I have that pressure off me so I can take my time and fix her right!!!!

kim is doing really well...we are really...
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Glad things are on the up and up.

I don't think you ever have to let go of a past love, just have to redefine and realize the new relationship.
well hello everyone!!

good news in the land-o-doug...I have a somewhat g/f now. I have known her for about 3 years and has been an amazing friend the entire time. We have always had a lil crush on each other...but she has had a b/f the whole time (he is not even worth mentioning pretty much). So she dumped him last october and we have...
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hey! awesome!! i'm so happy for you. thanks for the nice comment. wink i havent been very good about journals/pictures/commenting here, so i think you're pretty much the only person who actually reads my journal. thank you. i dont think i will be renuing my membership.....but i havent really decided. my car is all better now, and grandpa is getting worse....and school isnt going so well either, but i havent told anybody that besides you. i wish you the best of luck with the new girl! you deserve someone who deserves you!
can a brotha catch a break??!! it seems that every step i take forward...im taking two steps back. This goes for work...my car...my personal life...what the fuck????
I like to imagine that it could be worse... that usually puts me in a better mood.
sorry about it being a long ass time since my last post...I have been crazy busy!!

I have to say that I miss all my SGDC and SGCC brothers!!!

besides working all the damn time....I have been working on my monte...going back to the gym...staying busy. How have you all been??
same here. good to hear from you sweet heart. thanks for the messages. you rock. i finally posted too!!! yay! hope all is well. have fun working on your car. mine is all fucked up. could a damaged catalytic converter cause a car to just die and start right back up again??
talk to you later.
Hey, I am just as guilty, love. What are you doing on friday the 6th, err, well tommarrow night? My freinds are having a b-day bash for me at my fave bar in D.C. You should really think about coming, still have my number? Be in touch! Miss you! wink biggrin
can I catch a break...seriouslly...if anything went the way I plan it...just once...i think id die a happy man.

- Shannon got out of the "rehab" on feb. 1st...and has since dissapeared again. I know..I know...im pretty much done with her...but her..im human and I still care about her well being...alot. All the stuff i've done for her...and the stuff she has done for herself...to...
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frown i'm sooooo sorry.. i do know what its like when absolutely nothing goes right. and i also know that it does get better! drugs suck...and so do pretty boys! kick his ass!!

well well well.................TOMORROW IS MY BDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 27....time is going by so fast!!

I hope I get what Ive wanted.....I want to get a 18" Zildjian Oriental China "Trash" cymbol...this would finally complete my drum kit...so I can Fucking ROCK OUT!!!!

Just a lil info...this weather sucks for building cars in. Even with my nice shop...my monte is still outside. The army vehicles are in the...
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Happy Birthday!
hey!! happy fucking birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry i missed it frown i suck. anywho, did you get your cymbol? i hope so. its a little rainy here today, but nothing near 50 degrees.... have fun in your shop.
WHAT"S UPPP???!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry...just thought like yelling that this morning!!

First and formost...eveyone please welcome my best friend...nickelplate to the site. yay Nick!! This is the guy I brought with me to the beach party last week. He had so much fun he had to join!! So give him a warm welcome. He is a big dumb animal...lol.

Second...you all are awesome! I met up...
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hey..it was good seeing you again..
well...last night was my first SG event. I have to be honest..I was a lil bit timid to go. But GOOD LAWD WAS IT FUN!!!!!!!!!! I had the time of my life and the people I met wer..ARE amazing!! Id like to thank everyone I met last night for just being awesome.
it was great meeting you... i take it we'll be seeing you at more events in the future now? hahaha
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for the German candy. biggrin Great to meet you.
well im at work now and it's slow...soooo what else better to do then post on SG??!?!?!?! I cannot wait until the beach party tongiht...should be so much fun. Then after that I might drive down to the actual beach and spend some time with a certain someone. Not much else is new with me.....got my motor done finally!! All the aluminum parts have been...
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if you want to see that phone video i shot of you and your boy on the sofa last night, shoot me your email and i'll send it right over.