Life blows..I was driving my car back from Tacoma where I picked it up and like 5 minutes from home my car went KA-FUCK and started smoking oil smoke
"GODDAMMIT!!!!!!" so i push my fucking car for about half a mile and then call my boss to come get me I wwas so pissed. And You guys suck, that's right you the one in the chair, Loserboy(or girl). aaaahhhhhhhhh.......
i'm sick of nobody posting shit.....Y'all suck...Don't mind me

"Never am i in the band
Never do I smile true
Except when I am here with you."
Pain just looked at her and said
"though the trees are often dead
I cannot return your love
because when push became a shove
I cried for you
and I still do."
Goodbye said Pain, away he went
and left poor Love where she'd wept
The moral of this poem is
Love and Pain aren't always friends.
That sucked but It was the only thing that seemed to fit. For those of you who read this, I'd enjoy feedback.