So I'm reading "Dreamcatcher" by Stephen King and I've found a correlation of sorts between a sentence in the book and a story written by god himself, Ernest Hemingway. In "Dreamcatcher" stephen king describes one of the places where the book is set as a "clean, well-lighted place". Interestingly enough there is a story by Ernest Hemingway called "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place" Coincidence, I'd like to think not, but it probably is.....In other news gnomes and gnorms, tonight is definitely one of those nights where I'm gonna put the dashboard confessional on repeat and smoke too many cigs. Other than that...question:
What wierd coincidences or references toother authors/mediums in books and movies?
What wierd coincidences or references toother authors/mediums in books and movies?

double poster! 

I haven't been reading enough lately, so the first thing that comes to mind are Hobbit referencec in Led Zep songs.