Today was one of the worse days in a while. I stubbed my baby toe really hard last night and it's all swollen and purple. I woke up this morning and it had not gotten any better. Went to work and spent 8 hrs in the heat on my feet in a pair of work boots that are too small to begin with. Walked around like a fucking gimp all day.
I was in a bitch of a mood too, which made the day so much worse. I was on edge all day. If someone looked at me the wrong way, I wanted blood.
Tonight I think I wil listen to amazing music with depressing lyrics, smoke a pack of cigarettes and drink beer until I fall asleep.
Tonights playlist:
Reggie & The Full Effect - Songs Not To Get Married To
Converge - Jane Doe
American Nightmare - am/pm
Give Up The Ghost - We're Down 'Til We're Underground
Converge - You Fail Me
Maybe I will wake up tomorrow and everything will be all sunshine and lollipops. Fingers crossed.
I was in a bitch of a mood too, which made the day so much worse. I was on edge all day. If someone looked at me the wrong way, I wanted blood.
Tonight I think I wil listen to amazing music with depressing lyrics, smoke a pack of cigarettes and drink beer until I fall asleep.
Tonights playlist:
Reggie & The Full Effect - Songs Not To Get Married To
Converge - Jane Doe
American Nightmare - am/pm
Give Up The Ghost - We're Down 'Til We're Underground
Converge - You Fail Me
Maybe I will wake up tomorrow and everything will be all sunshine and lollipops. Fingers crossed.
mmm lollipops are gooood. hope you have a great night

all will be better with in time don't think that I am not here as your friend I will talk to you soon...