Sunday Bloody Sunday.
Today has been such a weird day. Not weird in the sense that some series of bizarre events took place, just weird in a kind of "I just feel a bit off today" way.
Took a long drive by myself to pick up my lovely. Just me, some coffee, some cigarettes and the Alkaline Trio/Hot Water music split on repeat in the CD player.
Took a detour and found myself at my Dad's place for some inexplicable reason. He wasn't home, but I really didn't expect him to be anyways.
Since the rendezvous place had changed, I decided to go visit my sister since she lives in the area I was heading. Driving to her place, I had to take the route I used to take everyday for 2 years when I went to college at Conestoga. Even though I used to drive that same stretch of road everyday, it seemed completely foreign to me. Nothing about the drive seemed familiar. It has been 7 years since that was routine for me, but it seeems like a lifetime ago. Life was so different then. I was so different then.
What would life have been like had I finished that program? Where would I be? Who would I be? Do I even want to know? I think not. If you had asked that person where I saw myself in 7 years would he have described a life that even remotely resembles the one I lead now? I don't think so. Does it even matter? Probably not. Regerets? Definitely not.
All that matters is that I'm happy now. I may not be completely happy with my job right now. I can fix that. I know that I can look in the mirror and see someone who is genuine, caring and loyal. I have some a fiance that I absolutely adore. I have some of the best friends anyone could ask for. I'm responsible and trustworthy. I never ask anything from anyone. If I need something, I make it happen. I'll bend over backwards for the people I care about and never ask for anything in return. I'm funny, goofy and a damn fine drunk.
I'm a little too reserved at times, but who's perfect? All in all, I'm a pretty solid dude.
I guess today wasn't all that weird. Sure there were some moments of confusion, sadness and inner turmoil. There was some other reflection that have nothing to do with anything written above. But today I learned that without stress, internal struggle and constant questioning, life would be pretty boring.
So where will I be in 7 years? Who gives a fuck? Life will take it's course. I know who I want to share that life with. A little lady who's fast asleep in our bed as I type this. I know that I'll be okay. I know that TBM will still be in full effect
Weird days are good days. Sometimes there is so much to learn during the simplest tasks. I know now that no matter what happens in the future, I'm gonna be long as I don't turn into a douchebag. Oh ya, and I love Matt Skiba.
Today has been such a weird day. Not weird in the sense that some series of bizarre events took place, just weird in a kind of "I just feel a bit off today" way.
Took a long drive by myself to pick up my lovely. Just me, some coffee, some cigarettes and the Alkaline Trio/Hot Water music split on repeat in the CD player.
Took a detour and found myself at my Dad's place for some inexplicable reason. He wasn't home, but I really didn't expect him to be anyways.
Since the rendezvous place had changed, I decided to go visit my sister since she lives in the area I was heading. Driving to her place, I had to take the route I used to take everyday for 2 years when I went to college at Conestoga. Even though I used to drive that same stretch of road everyday, it seemed completely foreign to me. Nothing about the drive seemed familiar. It has been 7 years since that was routine for me, but it seeems like a lifetime ago. Life was so different then. I was so different then.
What would life have been like had I finished that program? Where would I be? Who would I be? Do I even want to know? I think not. If you had asked that person where I saw myself in 7 years would he have described a life that even remotely resembles the one I lead now? I don't think so. Does it even matter? Probably not. Regerets? Definitely not.
All that matters is that I'm happy now. I may not be completely happy with my job right now. I can fix that. I know that I can look in the mirror and see someone who is genuine, caring and loyal. I have some a fiance that I absolutely adore. I have some of the best friends anyone could ask for. I'm responsible and trustworthy. I never ask anything from anyone. If I need something, I make it happen. I'll bend over backwards for the people I care about and never ask for anything in return. I'm funny, goofy and a damn fine drunk.

I guess today wasn't all that weird. Sure there were some moments of confusion, sadness and inner turmoil. There was some other reflection that have nothing to do with anything written above. But today I learned that without stress, internal struggle and constant questioning, life would be pretty boring.
So where will I be in 7 years? Who gives a fuck? Life will take it's course. I know who I want to share that life with. A little lady who's fast asleep in our bed as I type this. I know that I'll be okay. I know that TBM will still be in full effect

Weird days are good days. Sometimes there is so much to learn during the simplest tasks. I know now that no matter what happens in the future, I'm gonna be long as I don't turn into a douchebag. Oh ya, and I love Matt Skiba.
Have fun bro.