hey all, its saturday and on days like this is why in a matter of time i will be leaving this god forsaken state, ohio sucks, floriday, the carolinas something like that is more my speed, anyway im with my daughter now and she is a blast lemme tell you, shes like two and she got me around her finger, but thats okay because i don't see her that much so i spoil the shiz nittle out of her, well i watched that movie crushed with alicia silverstone last night around three in the morning cause i couldn't sleep and the remote was about five feet away, lol i know i know pathetic but i was was too blasted, anyway it really makes you wonder what sick fucks there are out there and with my luck thats exactly what would happen to me, well i gotta go for now so catch you all later!!

where is Hubbard, OH? i own SGCleveland, thats why i am asking.

i know you didnt make it the last couple times but ill be at the binghi wednesday night.