Okay so not much going on. Watched The Day After Tomorrow, The Village, Napoleon Dynamite, and The Monster Club this Weekend. Napoleon D and Monster Club are good The others are passable but the Village Sux. What is with all the recycling of old Twilight Zone plots? I dunno. Who am I to talk tho', whathave I done besides consume? Reading "The Illustrated Brief History of Time" again. Like Uncle Rico says....If I could just go back... What else. Yuriel needs to post a new journal so I don't have too. Song of the day: Salad Days by Minor Threat. Am I every gonna grow out of this "gotta be different" pose? Even the military didn't successfully mold me into anything. Note: I do not "check" my journals so excuse the typos. okay I am off to consume some more vapid media and probably some mind bending substances. bbl as I woke up at 7:30 (in the evening).
Damn, in sumer he must stink....
