It's 0409 and I am getting ready to go to the VA Hospital in Winston-Salem. They hit me w/ a mandatory appt. to evalaute my "mental status" after being in combat. Tey do this to cmbat vets pretty frequently, to decide if they "want us back" or need to pay us more. Hopefully they'll pay me more, but they pay me pretty well anyway as well as totally paying for my college bills. Oh well, lets hope they don't wanna operate on my back. Although it is tough being constantly doped up. It's weird, when I was younger I could'nt wait to get fucked up on what ever and know that I can legally obtain some strong shit I wish I didn't have to. Lessons: Be careful you might get what you wish for, and once you are in the military they will ALWAYS own you somehow. TTFN.
Thank you
PS-Thank you for your service in the Armed Forces...