what is it about 5:20 in the morning that makes the day so innocent? maybee it is the feeling of empowerment of getting a jump on the rest of civilation. or maybee it is just sleep dep. All i know is that i need to start my own business so i can have my own hours. no more of this 0'dark-30 crap. i think that...
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well, your not the only one up at the ass crack of dawn! i'm right there with you!
wow! thanks! I'll definatly need the help next time I move. I just hope that it isn't too soon!
Yeah, age can be a problem sometimes, but sometimes not! Does the guy treat her good?
i feel like a Chuck Close painting. not one of those early portraits, but one of the newer ones that is made up of a bunch of colored squares that when seen from a distance make a perfect portrait
I got really bummed today at work. I have this bad habbit of thinking when i am working alone. So there I was working, more or less, alone, and I started thinking about my life. I started thinking about where I am, where I was, where I could be. Those who have hurt me, those that I have helped. Those who have broken my heart...
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i feel like a Chuck Close painting. not one of those early portraits, but one of the newer ones that is made up of a bunch of colored squares that when seen from a distance make a perfect portrait ooo aaa
why is it like 80 degrees in november? why do i sit in my appartment and sweat at night being that the humidity is at 97%? do i have to fire up the AC now and jack up the power bill that hasnt been paid in 2 months? this is not a good week. some people have one of those days, i have one of...
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yeah, so, um, are we going to get snow this summer?
today really sucked ass! it was one of those "final destination" days. Everything known to man tried to kill me today from cars to bricks to tools. i though that i was pretty lucky until 2 pieces of riged conduit smashed my finger and the strut-strap bolts lodged into my middle finger pinning it under alot of pressure. it took two guys and a pry...
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today was so freaking humid! isnt it supposed to be november? this stuff is killing me! Bandit loves it though.
it is nasty looking now
Bandit is the best! Latley I have been feeling a little down. Bandit has taken notice of this and has been tring to cheer me up. be she did it with-out tring tonight. we went down to the gas station for these peanutbutter chocolate bars that i love oh so much. she hung out in the car while i ran in. usually she waits in...
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the color is deep purple. the cam is way off... it's almost black purple, but on the cam it's looks too light and too blue. in any case, it worked out well. biggrin
i have a hermit crab.
that's all.
you know. i was driving home from school tonight, I was just looking around and thinking. Ahead of me i saw an old VW mini-bus. on the bumber of this bus were bumper stickers about green peace, recycling, eating organic, saving the planet, and not polluting. well, a VW mini-bus is not exactly an environmently friendly vehicle. especially this one. it was spewing out funk....
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i hope the evil thoughts work
yeah, we should sticker this place! I tend to keep then in my suitcase, so I sticker everywhere esle!
ok, this is an all time low. I am 1/2 way through the first of 2 7 oz. beanutbutter filled chocolate bars. You see, Jen Jen and I went out to Tripple on saturday night to play some pool and shoot the shit. She invited a friend that works with her on her weekend job. He friend was really cute and funny and fun. she...
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I say that if your heart tells you to go for it then go!!! ( this coming from someone who right now has a heart that is telling her to go two different directions)

As for the show, it was great! Not too many people, so that was good for me. I had never been in the place since the demise of the Flood Zone, but I guess since it was a private show and it was in the 3rd floor that it was as good of a location as any. I was comfortable, and had fun, and that's all that matters!
today was a Mean Red day (Breakfast at Tiffany's refference) anyone else run into that? i have the mean reds. frown
ok, i am dying here! i have yet another painting that is pissing me off. i am a bit of a perfectionist, but i know in my heart what is wrong with this one but i have changed it millions of times. i have called a friend a million and a half times, leaving messages on her machine, asking her to PLEASE FOR THE LOVE...
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that pic " to the loft" was taken a Penland school of crafts in NC.
What are you jealous of?
ok, so now I'm jealous!!!!!!

I love that painting!!!!!!

I need to get myself off of this damn computer sometime and start painting again.