So, I made my best friend a birthday gift. It came out fuckin rad! I put a lot of time and effort into it. More than any piece of poetry I've ever written! Even more effort than the song I wrote for her (and that was a lot!) She LOVED it! YEEEAAAA!! She inspires me everyday! And for fucks sake, I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for her! I could not get in touch with my artistic side before we met. It had been there, but it had a black cloud of an ex-wife hovering over it, taking away my creativity! Hopefully what I made will remind her how FUCKING TALENTED she is, when she's havin an off day it'll remind her that everyone does, and it will pass, it will remind her that someone out there cares for her more than anyone in the world ever possibly could, and that if she just MAKES TIME she can do anything she wants with her amazing artwork! 5804 1221 H2MH

ok u are on ,, san marcos is like 15-20 mins from me. we can go to resturant row there are tons of places to drink there. Hey so tht was nice of you to write that for your friend. my friend gave me a card that says you are special you are love and you are valued. i keep it in my car. she wrote to me so that whenever i feel alone, which is alot. i will remember not to feel alone, pretty cool huh?!
