Leaving Home
O City of Lakes! How I love thee so!
Let them keep New York and Los Angeles,
For they have never seen - and do not know -
Your quiet tree-line avenues, much less
The loveliness of your lakes in summer,
When lovers walk and picnic on their shores.
Nor have they heard the laughter of water
As it tumbles over the falls before
Flowing merrily through your very heart.
They cannot imagine the crisp, cool fall
As your giant trees prepare to part
From their leaves turned orange and gold, and all
The air is filled with portents of frost.
They've not wandered your Habitrails in winter,
In that city within a city, lost,
As the freezing north wind blusters out there
In the streets piles with snow, and your laughing
Waterfall has been silenced by ice.
They don't know the hope for the coming spring,
When warm days will come again to entice
Your inhabitants from their bleak despair,
When against the backdrop of your skyline
Lighting flashes and thunder rends the air.
Days bright with sun come, and I'm glad you're mine.
O beautiful city! I swore I'd never leave.
But I know someone now for whom I'd break that vow,
For her grace and beauty exeed thine own, and weave
An enchantment to which my love for you must bow.
Yes, that is, in fact, how I spent much of my morning. Writing that. It beats fucking around with Adobe Acrobat, trying to get it to make PDFs properly.
Add Acrobat to my list of computer nemeses.
Damn it! Alias, Smallville, and The OC are all on at the same time tonight. What are the networks trying to pull here? If two had been on I'd be ok - watch one, and record the other. Now I need another VCR!
O City of Lakes! How I love thee so!
Let them keep New York and Los Angeles,
For they have never seen - and do not know -
Your quiet tree-line avenues, much less
The loveliness of your lakes in summer,
When lovers walk and picnic on their shores.
Nor have they heard the laughter of water
As it tumbles over the falls before
Flowing merrily through your very heart.
They cannot imagine the crisp, cool fall
As your giant trees prepare to part
From their leaves turned orange and gold, and all
The air is filled with portents of frost.
They've not wandered your Habitrails in winter,
In that city within a city, lost,
As the freezing north wind blusters out there
In the streets piles with snow, and your laughing
Waterfall has been silenced by ice.
They don't know the hope for the coming spring,
When warm days will come again to entice
Your inhabitants from their bleak despair,
When against the backdrop of your skyline
Lighting flashes and thunder rends the air.
Days bright with sun come, and I'm glad you're mine.
O beautiful city! I swore I'd never leave.
But I know someone now for whom I'd break that vow,
For her grace and beauty exeed thine own, and weave
An enchantment to which my love for you must bow.
Yes, that is, in fact, how I spent much of my morning. Writing that. It beats fucking around with Adobe Acrobat, trying to get it to make PDFs properly.
Add Acrobat to my list of computer nemeses.
Damn it! Alias, Smallville, and The OC are all on at the same time tonight. What are the networks trying to pull here? If two had been on I'd be ok - watch one, and record the other. Now I need another VCR!

Ha ha, no, the contest part.
Tru dat. And I can drink MOST people under the table. Amazing for a fairly small girl.