I'm so glad it's fall. Autumn means television premieres. Right now it's Veronica Mars. Yeah, so I'm a big fan of Kristen Bell - and not even just because she's absolutely gorgeous.
Some people disparage television as some sort of narcotic for the ignorant masses. Frankly, it's the one of the few things that stops me from thinking all the time, and just entertains me.
I desperately need a way to turn my mind off sometimes.
So I suppose it is sort of like a narcotic. But I'm pretty sure I'm not a part of the ignorant masses.
Some people disparage television as some sort of narcotic for the ignorant masses. Frankly, it's the one of the few things that stops me from thinking all the time, and just entertains me.
I desperately need a way to turn my mind off sometimes.
So I suppose it is sort of like a narcotic. But I'm pretty sure I'm not a part of the ignorant masses.

Fall? What's that? I've never heard of such a thing!