My back is killing me! Sitting in a chair all day aggravates it; I've known this for a long time, but there's no helping it. My job requires that I sit in a chair all day.
Stupid office jobs. I need something where I can get up and do stuff and not get bored!
I think I may go to the lake this weekend. I need a break from things. The friends will be there; we'll stay up late and drink more than is good for us. It'll be a good time.
Until then, I must find a book to escape into. I've just finished Eragon and Eldest by Christopher Paolini. Fantasy escapism. They're not the worst things I've ever read, nor the best. Though I did notice that he borrowed a lot of character names, and otherwise shows that he has been influenced by, some of the greats. He's clearly a fan of David Eddings. It's obvious, as I am as well.
However, I don't think they're terribly derivitive; some have claimed the books are a Lord of the Rings rip-off. I don't really find this the case, except that they share the themes common to Fantasy in general.
Now I just have to wait for the third book, so I can find out the end of the story! Damned series and having to wait for the next book!
Stupid office jobs. I need something where I can get up and do stuff and not get bored!
I think I may go to the lake this weekend. I need a break from things. The friends will be there; we'll stay up late and drink more than is good for us. It'll be a good time.
Until then, I must find a book to escape into. I've just finished Eragon and Eldest by Christopher Paolini. Fantasy escapism. They're not the worst things I've ever read, nor the best. Though I did notice that he borrowed a lot of character names, and otherwise shows that he has been influenced by, some of the greats. He's clearly a fan of David Eddings. It's obvious, as I am as well.
However, I don't think they're terribly derivitive; some have claimed the books are a Lord of the Rings rip-off. I don't really find this the case, except that they share the themes common to Fantasy in general.
Now I just have to wait for the third book, so I can find out the end of the story! Damned series and having to wait for the next book!

do0d stop molesting your computer. That's just sick. Haha, just like you

I need to start reading again. i feel so happy when I brings me away from my own bizarre way of thinking. Whats going on with the Mathgirl now? are you feeling better about all that? Thank you so much for the bday wishes!