My hands smell awful. I conditioned my new Brooks bicycle saddle with neatsfoot oil. It's made from the feet of cattle. I clearly have no issue with that, except that it smells bad. Works great on leather, though. My hands also feel soft.
So now I get to go through the process of breaking this saddle in. It may be painful. I'll start tomorrow.
It's Mother's Day, isn't it? I don't have a mother; I sprang from something or other already fully-formed. I swear.
Actually, everyone has a mother, even me. It's one of those science things. I bought mine a neat climbing rose. "Night Owl." It has dark purple flowers. I always go for the unusual plants; I got a corkscrew hazel last year, and I'm afraid it might have died off some this winter. It has buds, but they've been there for weeks, unchanged. Maybe it's just a late bloomer. It is growing some new shoots at the bottom, though, so I know it's still alive.
Well, off to do some more reading; I'm about halfway through Judas Unchained.
Update: Damn it. Now I can't actually use my new saddle. I went to put it on my bike, and the rails are too wide. I need to get a new clamp to attach it. This does nothing for my need for instant gratification. I want to use it now!
So now I get to go through the process of breaking this saddle in. It may be painful. I'll start tomorrow.
It's Mother's Day, isn't it? I don't have a mother; I sprang from something or other already fully-formed. I swear.
Actually, everyone has a mother, even me. It's one of those science things. I bought mine a neat climbing rose. "Night Owl." It has dark purple flowers. I always go for the unusual plants; I got a corkscrew hazel last year, and I'm afraid it might have died off some this winter. It has buds, but they've been there for weeks, unchanged. Maybe it's just a late bloomer. It is growing some new shoots at the bottom, though, so I know it's still alive.
Well, off to do some more reading; I'm about halfway through Judas Unchained.
Update: Damn it. Now I can't actually use my new saddle. I went to put it on my bike, and the rails are too wide. I need to get a new clamp to attach it. This does nothing for my need for instant gratification. I want to use it now!
Minnow... very funny, I am pretty sure, from your avatar pic, you would eat me (as bait)!!!
My new apt. has balconies and I am on the second floor of very high celling. The two cats are amazed and I am waiting to see which one jumps first... they are crazy little bastards. They would live through that right????