I discovered that if I took a few more classes, I could apply to veterinary school. Or probably medical school, for that matter. However, the fact that I don't give a damn about people--and in fact am outright hostile toward them--most likely disqualifies me from medical school.
Do veterinarians have to care about people?
Being a veterinarian isn't mathematics or research, but at least it would be something science-related.
I think I have a greater chance of going to law school, though. Maybe one of these days I'll actually get around to applying, and see what happens.
But it's so hard to consider going back to school. I'm used to having money now. Or at least to not being broke. I knew this would happen; it's why I never wanted to take a "break" after I got my BA.
Maybe I just need a hobby. Something brain-stimulating. I've been considering building my own private research lab of some sort. Probably in the basement. Somewhere I can indulge my whims and curiosity.
Then again, the police would probably raid me, thinking I was cooking meth.
Do veterinarians have to care about people?
Being a veterinarian isn't mathematics or research, but at least it would be something science-related.
I think I have a greater chance of going to law school, though. Maybe one of these days I'll actually get around to applying, and see what happens.
But it's so hard to consider going back to school. I'm used to having money now. Or at least to not being broke. I knew this would happen; it's why I never wanted to take a "break" after I got my BA.
Maybe I just need a hobby. Something brain-stimulating. I've been considering building my own private research lab of some sort. Probably in the basement. Somewhere I can indulge my whims and curiosity.
Then again, the police would probably raid me, thinking I was cooking meth.
and Yeah, it would be best if I waited...BUT! I don't drink anyways, and they have virgin everything...so I am sure I could work around the situation!