I went to the Science Museum on Saturday to see the Pompeii exhibit. It was really good. I love the Science Museum; I'm completely behind it's mission to educate and engage the public in science, and I think it does a great job. I'd like some more advanced things, though. The material is a little basic for me. I wish they'd let me into the vault!
Anyway, the exhibit was great, but my favorite part of the day was at the end, and was only somewhat related to the display. The last room had a giant map on the floor showing all the active volcanoes in the world. This kid (by which I mean he was probably 20-22) was explaining the Ring of Fire around the Pacific to his date, and going into plate tectonics and such. He didn't look particularly nerdy, but he actually knew what he was talking about. I was impressed. She was also very cute, and was actually interested in what he was saying. Or at least she was pretending very well.
It was completely something I'd do. If I'd have had a date, I'd have been explaining the Ring of Fire and plate tectonics. I could only hope that she'd be as interested as his date was.
The other day I was talking with someone about how I'll never be able to afford a house, and I may as well take my dog and go live in the wilderness. I don't actually have a dog, but the more I thought about it, the more appealing the idea of tossing everything and living in the wilderness became. I'd get my dog, and a big wall tent with a stove, and my firearms, and supplies, and load it all into a canoe and take of into the BWCA and Superior National Forest to live life as a recluse.
No more society, and having to deal with people, and work, and crap. Make what money I needed by trapping and the occassional job as a guide.
But it'll probably never happen.
Now, at work, my boss's last day was Thursday; she resigned a couple weeks ago. I'm all on my own now. So now I have all my work to do, and all hers. I'm actually hoping to take over her job, but we'll see. Wish me luck!
Anyway, the exhibit was great, but my favorite part of the day was at the end, and was only somewhat related to the display. The last room had a giant map on the floor showing all the active volcanoes in the world. This kid (by which I mean he was probably 20-22) was explaining the Ring of Fire around the Pacific to his date, and going into plate tectonics and such. He didn't look particularly nerdy, but he actually knew what he was talking about. I was impressed. She was also very cute, and was actually interested in what he was saying. Or at least she was pretending very well.
It was completely something I'd do. If I'd have had a date, I'd have been explaining the Ring of Fire and plate tectonics. I could only hope that she'd be as interested as his date was.
The other day I was talking with someone about how I'll never be able to afford a house, and I may as well take my dog and go live in the wilderness. I don't actually have a dog, but the more I thought about it, the more appealing the idea of tossing everything and living in the wilderness became. I'd get my dog, and a big wall tent with a stove, and my firearms, and supplies, and load it all into a canoe and take of into the BWCA and Superior National Forest to live life as a recluse.
No more society, and having to deal with people, and work, and crap. Make what money I needed by trapping and the occassional job as a guide.
But it'll probably never happen.
Now, at work, my boss's last day was Thursday; she resigned a couple weeks ago. I'm all on my own now. So now I have all my work to do, and all hers. I'm actually hoping to take over her job, but we'll see. Wish me luck!
We did in uhhh...1975 or something. The smallest note we have is a $5 bill.
I wonder if it'll still work, cos our money is made out of plastic, so it's all slippery like. I have no bills at the moment but I'll get one and try it out, thanks