Tuesday morning, please be gone I'm tired of you.
Ah, the life of a recluse. Bored with people, bored with pretty much everything, really.
But there's always my music. Zeppelin will be releasing their entire catalog in digital format next month. That's pretty exciting; now if we could just get the Beatles! Of course, I already have pretty much every album the Beatles recorded, so I guess it wouldn't make much difference, would it?
Ah, the life of a recluse. Bored with people, bored with pretty much everything, really.
But there's always my music. Zeppelin will be releasing their entire catalog in digital format next month. That's pretty exciting; now if we could just get the Beatles! Of course, I already have pretty much every album the Beatles recorded, so I guess it wouldn't make much difference, would it?
It's almost midnight silly, what crazy ass space-time continuum are you living in? Sheesh!
Weird, my septum is deviated causing the right nostril to be closed as well - twinsies! (Yeah, I said it.) Sucks does't it? When I blow my nose it sounds like an angry elephant, which gets me lots of dates of course. Does it make your glasses sit crooked on your nose? Am I the only one?!?!