Hey, it looks like my sister got a job. At Best Buy. Yay employee discount! Really, this is probably one of the best things to happen to me in quite a while.
My cable went on the fritz earlier this week without me knowing; the TiVo has dual tuners, so most of the channels don't come through the decoder box itself. However, when I do record a channel that I need the box for, and the box isn't working, I get an hour of blue screen and the message, "This channel should be available shortly."
So I missed a lot of the season premieres I wanted to catch early in the week. Heroes. Bones. Law and Order: SVU. And House. I missed House God damn it! And wouldn't you know, House is the only show I can't pick up on the internet or replay. FOX doesn't have it on their website, although they do have Bones.
I lucked out, though, because my friends have it recorded.
Yes, I do have friends.
And, to fix the cable box, I just have to power cycle it. Damn thing.
I want to write about the North Side shooting of a 12-year-old girl, and the need to stand up and take back the community. To say, "No more!" It can be done, I know it can. I'm just not sure that, being a white male from the suburbs, I can write about it without coming off as a racist ass. I really do sympathize with the community, however, even if my world is a million miles removed.
My cable went on the fritz earlier this week without me knowing; the TiVo has dual tuners, so most of the channels don't come through the decoder box itself. However, when I do record a channel that I need the box for, and the box isn't working, I get an hour of blue screen and the message, "This channel should be available shortly."
So I missed a lot of the season premieres I wanted to catch early in the week. Heroes. Bones. Law and Order: SVU. And House. I missed House God damn it! And wouldn't you know, House is the only show I can't pick up on the internet or replay. FOX doesn't have it on their website, although they do have Bones.
I lucked out, though, because my friends have it recorded.
Yes, I do have friends.
And, to fix the cable box, I just have to power cycle it. Damn thing.
I want to write about the North Side shooting of a 12-year-old girl, and the need to stand up and take back the community. To say, "No more!" It can be done, I know it can. I'm just not sure that, being a white male from the suburbs, I can write about it without coming off as a racist ass. I really do sympathize with the community, however, even if my world is a million miles removed.
So... Can I be in love with Dairy Queen's Cotton Candy Blizzard?!?! Becuase I totally am.
And dammit, I'M TOTALLY JEALOUS YOU BROUGHT HER FLOWERS!!! Do you have ANY idea how thrilled I would be if a man brought me flowers?! Thank you Jeebus, may chivalry not be dead afterall!!!