Undesirables in Our Communities
Our neighborhoods are being invaded by undesirables. They aren't like us; their skin color, their communication...they're like animals. They come here from other countries, sometimes passing through, and sometimes making our communities their permanent homes.
Huge groups of them have taken over our parks, and they violently attack anyone who tresspasses on their "turf."
Just this morning I saw a gang of them threaten a young woman who was running by on the sidewalk they were blocking. She approached them warily, trying to pass without trouble, when the miscreants started chasing her. Luckily she was able to outrun them.
The damage they cause is indescribable; they raid our crops, and go so far as to defecate in our yards. They roam our streets and block traffic, and have been known to approach cars with dubious intent. There's no controlling them.
We must stop these marauding bands of geese before it's too late.
Our neighborhoods are being invaded by undesirables. They aren't like us; their skin color, their communication...they're like animals. They come here from other countries, sometimes passing through, and sometimes making our communities their permanent homes.
Huge groups of them have taken over our parks, and they violently attack anyone who tresspasses on their "turf."
Just this morning I saw a gang of them threaten a young woman who was running by on the sidewalk they were blocking. She approached them warily, trying to pass without trouble, when the miscreants started chasing her. Luckily she was able to outrun them.
The damage they cause is indescribable; they raid our crops, and go so far as to defecate in our yards. They roam our streets and block traffic, and have been known to approach cars with dubious intent. There's no controlling them.
We must stop these marauding bands of geese before it's too late.
I've been smoking the half decent cigarette butts outs of the ashtray. Desperation indeed.
I hate that shit at work. I always get afraid that I'll be fired, but it's always someone else luckily.