I don't make New Year's resolutions; it seems to me resolutions are usually plans to make changes about things a person didn't like about one's self last year. Regrets and intent to do something them. Although I have plenty of those, and plenty of things I'd like to change about myself, I know that I won't follow through. Why bother?
Instead, I've come up with some goals for next year that I want accomplish, and which I think are possible.
These are my short-term goals, which I hope to complete in the next few months:
Instead, I've come up with some goals for next year that I want accomplish, and which I think are possible.
These are my short-term goals, which I hope to complete in the next few months:
- Open a high-yield savings acount and save enough emergency money to last through three months of unemployment
- Write an article for Weekly World News
- Register to take the LSAT
- Get a blowjob
I have more goals for the more distant future.
- Increase my savings to six months of emergency money
- Shop for the best rates on Certificates of Deposit, and create a ladder plan that fits my cash flow
- Study for and take the LSAT
- Apply to law school
Sound good?
My day is already planed:
1-eating some breakfast and drinking some COFFEE.
2-making some peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies, some biscottis, and maybe some truffles (I don't know if you say that word in English, the chocolate, you know?). I love cooking, but especially for other peoples, my family will be very happy to have all those things.
3-going outside, maybe taking some pictures.
4-Inset taking a shower somewhere
5-Calling my boss to ask him when he planed on making me work next week.
I really love writing, one of these days I'll make you read some stuff I wrote. Unfortunatly, most of the things are in French, btu I still have some in English.
I guess if you didn't spot me as a "french speaking person", it's because I ain't that bad
Writing softwares? Man, you must be a total computer pro. My roommate is working with computers he's like managing the internet stuff for a marketing company. I don't really know how to explain in French, so it get worse when I have to in English.
So, I'll start my day right now, 'cause it's already 11. I could barely sleep last night because of my cough and fever, but now everything's better.
thanks, hope your having a good day
I only work next Saturday, like in 9 days. That's cool on one side, 'cause I have 3 weeks off, but at the same time, it's not good for my pocket. I'm paid every two weeks, that means that I won't have a pay for 4 weeks. I only work two days next week, I'll call my boss in a few days so I can work more the week after, just before I go to school.
I looked on my purse and the quote is: "Beauty is inner self"
take care