I'm considering going to law school. I need to do something to advance my education, and anyone who knows me knows that I love to argue all sorts of things, and I'm good at it. I took a sample LSAT today, and scored 172 (out of 180). I think that's a fairly respectable score for a first attempt—the 99th percentile—and I'm confident that with a little practice I could score even higher. Between that and my GPA I could probably get into any law school I wanted. Harvard, perhaps. I don't want to go to Harvard, though; I'm thinking William Mitchell College of Law, because I could continue to work while I went. Most schools don't want their first-year law students working, but I've grown accustomed to a certain lifestyle, and I'm reluctant to give it up.
In other news, today is Friday! Finally!
In other news, today is Friday! Finally!

actually bettas thrive in very small areas. in their natural environment, they live in mud puddles. they also hate filtration and breathe air due to a half lung they have.
I don't know how to drive! But i will learn.