The disjoint orbits of twin suns
Do not persist 'til times are done,
But over the course of many a year
The circling stars to each other near,
And in this fashion
Finally come together in fiery passion.
Do not persist 'til times are done,
But over the course of many a year
The circling stars to each other near,
And in this fashion
Finally come together in fiery passion.
every thousand years
this metal sphere
ten times the size of Jupiter
floats just a few yards past the earth
you climb on your roof
and take a swipe at it
with a single feather
hit it once every thousand years
`til youve worn it down
to the size of a pea
yeah Id say thats a long time
but its only half a blink
in the place youre gonna be
where you gonna be?
where will you spend eternity?
ok, it's not quite as poetic as yours.
Poor Molly Millions; every maker of a cyberpunk movie in Hollywood has ripped her character off.
would you be so kind as to tell me some of these movies, apart from Johnny Mnemonic? I guess The Matrix pretty much, but then again, that rather ripped off the entire book, don't you think? Molly's hot.
If given the technology, and the chance, would I choose to create a personality construct of myself? Would it be a means for me to outlive my mortal shell? Or would it be a crude mockery of the person that I am?
i think by definition a personality construct of a real person can only be a crude mockery. real humans are just too complex and unpredictable. even the predictable ones.
can you help me understand how Riviera does his deal? is it some kind of special software he had installed, or a highly evolved human ability?