My hands smell awful. I conditioned my new Brooks bicycle saddle with neatsfoot oil. It's made from the feet of cattle. I clearly have no issue with that, except that it smells bad. Works great on leather, though. My hands also feel soft.
So now I get to go through the process of breaking this saddle in. It may be painful. I'll start tomorrow.
Yes, the chiropractor was my last hope and he seems to be working. What I need to do is get off my lazy ass and go back to yoga... I make bar tending into a sport and it just whacked out my neck.
Minnow... very funny, I am pretty sure, from your avatar pic, you would eat me (as bait)!!!
My new apt. has balconies and I am on the second floor of very high celling. The two cats are amazed and I am waiting to see which one jumps first... they are crazy little bastards. They would live through that right????
You're in the park and walking on a path that's used by both pedestrians and cyclists. You want to stop and look around, maybe have a rest. Where do you stop? Do you stop in a place where you'll be easily seen and move off the path? Or do you stop on the blind end of a blind curve, at the bottom of a hill,... Read More
The REI membership is definitely worthwhile. I don't buy anything there but the free rock climbing is amazingly worth it. Vertical Endeavors is so expensive by comparison.
Wilson always wants attention no matter what, so it didn't change anything
I tried the 25 pound draw and it was much more comfortable. I think i could eventually work up to a thirty but the 25 feels just right.
Define "real math". When it comes to Algebra, Geometry, and Calculus I'm pretty confident that testing those can be very standardized without putting students at a disadvantage.
Since that's all in the math family let's not get too superior
I don't think those things aren't taught because they're hard to test, they're not taught because the American school system is convinced that you can't teach algebra to fifth graders (unless they do well in placement tests, in which case they can take classes in a middle school or something, which is the exception my schools made), which is definitely stupid. I mean, I was starting to learn multiplication in first grade in Japan. When I came to America I tested at a third grade level for math, but my English wasn't so great (I couldn't read too much).
I really like the idea of teaching harder math earlier on, and that way if students aren't interested in "higher math" they can elect not to take them once they've completed "the basics", thus leaving a class free to take an elective or additional class along their general interests (like college).
Although let me say, I absolutely hated Pre-Calc because I don't see how the fuck it applies to my life. I don't care what the parabola means, it's a waste of my fucking time.
I really hope the psych stats course I'm taking in Fall won't involve too much of that.
I KNOW!! All the drama in my life really kept me from focusing on anything. But now that I'm settled back in I'm really looking forward to starting both again
I finally finished The Night's Dawn trilogy. All 3,500 pages of it. It's excellent, epic science fiction. I'll call it "hard space opera." I only have one quibble with the end.
The whole thing ends in a bit of a deus ex machina. Quite literally. Humanity's immediate problem is solved with the help of an alien technology so powerful it's... Read More
i have sucked ass on the reading AND the writing thing lately. i was just saying yesterday that I feel like my brain has been rotting away! As soon as I get back from my vacation I am going to get back to writing and reading though. It's my main goal!
I don't often go to places where I see normal people getting on with their normal lives. I just got back from the grocery store; I go to the grocery store every Sunday, but never so early. It's usually late, when all the strange people come out.
So today's trip was a surprise. When the fuck did everyone get so young? I saw all these... Read More
I live in an area where a lot of kids get married young, like right after high school or shortly there after. It's kinda... sad really.
One girl from my class has already been married, had a kid and then divorced.
I'll be close to 25 when I finally get hitched.
Also - yea totally on the driving stick. I've been wanting to learn, but the over all situation around it isn't as desirable as I'd hoped for. I guess no better time then when you have no car available other then a stick-shift.
Yeah... its not so much the dieing at a light for me, as the whole car shuddering for a bit after the light while the car tries to decide if I've put it in gear or not properly.
I can always overcome it, but knowing there are people around looking at me while I do it is just a wee bit embarrassing.
Do you enjoy absurdist fiction? If so, I must once again recommend Christopher Moore. His work is absurdist with a supernatural twist. I read his latest work, Fool, this weekend, and it doesn't disappoint. It's a reworking of King Lear with the Fool as the protagonist, done in Moore's bawdy, irreverent style. There is much shagging.
I'm feeling better today. My friend at work and I sent emails back and forth for much of the day, which cheered me up. She's safe because she's married, so my "all women are whores" philosophy doesn't apply, I can't be illusioned and then disillusioned, and thus there's no inevitable pain.
It's a good deal.
Also, I think I now have enough diazepam built up... Read More
We do, but they charge, and the nurse is an incompetent nonce. Also, I'm allergic to sulfa and I'm running out of other options due to numerous illnesses. Hence my preference for natural remedies.
Because I haven't posted a truly self-pitying blog in quite a while:
How long have a lived without hope? Ten years? Fifteen? Too long; much too long, and I don't know whether it's courage or cowardice that keeps me from cutting my own throat. How long can a man live solely on spite, anger, and pure hatred?
I live on the razor's edge, constantly in... Read More
I don't show my emotions often, and I think people tend to forget I have them. Actually, my feelings are hurt pretty easily, but when I try to explain to someone, "Hey, it hurt my feelings when you did this," they act as though they can't believe they're hearing such a thing from me.
As a result, my feelings are mostly insignificant to those around... Read More